Accelerating solutions-oriented research

Mayo Clinic and ASU leverages each organization’s strengths to create research synergies that extend beyond basic science and medical education into high-impact programs. Mayo Clinic’s extensive clinical experience combined with ASU’s recognized leadership in interdisciplinary research and advancements in biodesign, bioengineering and biotechnology provide the perfect setting for research exploration unlike any other.

180+ companies have launched based on ASU innovations, attracting more than $1 billion in external funding and 1,140 patents.
Nationally and #11 worldwide for U.S. patents issued to universities.
At any given time, more than 8,000 human research studies are underway at Mayo Clinic.

Collaborative Research Seed Grant Program
Since 2004, Mayo Clinic and ASU have supported new, collaborative research projects between researchers at both institutions through a Seed Grant program. The intention of the program is to support interdisciplinary and translational joint research projects between Mayo Clinic and ASU.
Successful Seed Grant applications are inventive pilot studies that have a high probability of propelling future proposals to the National Institutes of Health (NIH) or to other grant-funding agencies for longer term support of the project.

Faculty Summer Residency Program
The Mayo Clinic and Arizona State University Faculty Summer Residency is designed to facilitate ongoing collaborations between faculty members and teams at Mayo Clinic and ASU by providing opportunities for collaboration and networking activities.
The intent is to provide support so that ASU faculty members may spend time over the course of the summer working as part of a Mayo Clinic team.

Team Science Grant program
The Mayo Clinic and Arizona State University Team Science Grants in Biomedical Sensing, Functional Restoration, and Biomedical Imaging/Informatics aim to foster multidisciplinary teams jointly led by faculty from both institutions to develop high-impact, transformative solutions to address unmet clinical needs of patients.

Award Spotlight
Mayo Clinic and Arizona State University Alliance for Health Care research efforts are thriving here in the Phoenix metropolitan area. One of the studies, “Development and Validation of Continuous Urinalysis,” which was initially funded by an Alliance team science grant, is gaining momentum, having recently received more than $3.5 million in federal funding to support next steps and related research. The study, led by Mayo Clinic’s Leslie Thomas, M.D., and ASU’s Mary Laura Lind Thomas, Ph.D. and Erica Forzani, Ph.D., is exploring the feasibility of creating a bedside-ready device that can provide real-time kidney analysis of hospitalized patients.